#7 Goddess Connection ~ Lilith, Lucina, Mama Cocha, Mami Wata, Morrigan

Re-connect with the Goddess… The Spiritual Feminist

  • Lilith

Her Story:

Lilith is considered the original “Queen of Heaven”, and in her glory days she was known as Adam’s first wife, a dirty little secret that’s been hard to sweep under the proverbial rug. Lilith is known for her dominating nature, her unquenchable lust, and her appetite for new-born infants. She raises storms and tempests with fiery might, sucks the life-juice out of men as they sleep, and prowls the night in search of unprotected infants to satisfy her hunger.

In spite of the harsh side to this complicated goddess, you can invoke Lilith when this is the very energy that is needed, just don’t invoke Lilith in a home where there is a young child. And beware, her energy is powerful and unforgiving.

The woman writhed uncontrollably in the flickering light from the hearth, clenching the rough hand-woven blanket between her teeth. The pain passed, and her body relaxed. But the next pain would come, and the next, and the next…until there would be a child. The old wise-woman seeing to this village birth rose stiffly to place another piece of wood on the fire. She went then, to the laboring mother’s cot, and gently slid her hand beneath the down-filled pillow, her fingers searching for the protective iron talisman. She breathed a sigh of relief when her fingertips touched the cold metal.

A noise on the roof of the thatched hut caused both the mother and the mid-wife to turn their faces upward in fear and foreboding. But there was silence, only silence and a soft wind rustling around the corners of the cottage.

The demon goddess Lilith would not enter this cottage on this night. Lilith would not claim this child, not this child, not tonight.

Embracing the Goddess:

Lilith is all about lust and quenching appetites that are not considered genteel in the more prudish circles of society. But the pagan woman knows that when such energy is needed, when it’s desired, and when it can be used to her advantage, she can invoke this goddess with the promise of fulfillment in these areas. The pagan woman will also know how to protect herself from the harsher side of this demon goddess.

Lilith’s Correspondences:

  • Herbs: sage, marjoram, slippery elm

  • Animal: screech owl

  • Color: yellow

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Day: Wednesday

  • Element: Air

  • Feminine Face: Maiden

  • Symbol: the dark moon

  • Metal: iron (Lilith detests this metal and it is often used in amulets and protective spells against her.)

  • Lucina

Her Story:

Lucina is a Roman goddess of light. She is the protectress of women in child-birth and the new-born infant. It is Lucina who guides new life into the world. In ancient times, at the height of worship to this goddess, Roman women and girls would do knot magick to call upon the power of Lucina to protect the birthing mother and new-born child. They would untie knots previously created in long lengths of material, and they would unplait their braided hair, all to prevent unpleasant entanglements during the birth process.

Knot Magick:

  • one white pillar candle
  • 9 red votive candles
  • myrrh incense
  • 9 foot red ribbon or cord

In most traditions knot magick is employed with the use of a 9 foot long red cord or ribbon. But I find that knot magick is so very versatile that I use different colored ribbons, depending upon the magickal intention: green, for health and healing, or prosperity; red, for passion, love, lust, and romance, but also, as in this case, for childbirth; yellow, for mental endeavors and creative projects, as well as for communication; purple, for legal and business issues, but also for calling in spirits; blue, for psychism and dreams, for divination, and for those ethereal realms of mermaids, fairies and dragons, and other creatures of myth and legend.

We’re going to work this magick under the guidance of the goddess Lucina, and we’re going to work this magick for the safe delivery of a healthy baby into this world. Whether we’re working this magick for ourselves (Yes, it’s okay to take care of yourself!), or for our daughters, nieces, sisters, mothers, aunts, or friends, you can do this.

You have the power to invoke this goddess in this magick and have your hand, figuratively, on this child’s head, as a blessing.

(Cast this magick before the full moon that comes before the due date, and then keep this knotted ribbon in a safe place until the time to release it. Begin undoing these knots and releasing all this wonderful positive energy at the time that labor begins.)

First, set the stage, so to speak, create the sacred space to invoke and welcome Lucina. You’ll want a tall white pillar candle for the center piece (the goddess candle); and you’ll want to circle this with several red votive candles (9 would be nice). The incense could be myrrh, but you can use a scent that resonates with you; my favorite is nag champa. You can be as ritualistic as you care to be. If you love music and dance, you can invoke Lucina in a blaze of glory. But if this type of thing isn’t your cup of tea, you will be just as successful at invoking this energy by simply lighting your candles and incense before you begin.

Nine knots you’re going to tie, drawing in your intention with each one, reciting a mantra over and over. Don’t be alarmed if this mantra, this chanting, turns into a frenzied almost incoherent whisper. This simply means that you’re entering an alpha state, where energy is being moved and magick is possible.

Chant your chant, tie your knots, lose yourself in this experience.

When you’re finished, extinguish the flame on the white goddess candle, but leave the red votive candles to burn themselves out.

Place this red knotted ribbon in a safe place, and begin the vigil, the age old vigil of waiting for that first pain, that first glorious sign of impending birth. It’s then that you will bring this ribbon out and begin undoing the knots, feeling the joy and the happy anticipation.

Embracing the Goddess:

Of course, the power and magick of this goddess will be called upon for laboring women and their infants. Call upon this goddess in happy anticipation of a complication free delivery. Gather mothers, aunts, sisters, female friends and cousins to the laboring woman’s side to ritually unknot their braided hair, or long strips of red linen that were previously knotted in happy anticipation of this event (perhaps at the baby shower!).

Lucina’s Correspondences:

  • Herbs: moonwort, peach, lemon balm, willow, myrrh

  • Color: white, silver, blue, red (feminine blood)

  • Planet: Moon

  • Day: Monday

  • Element: Water

  • Feminine Face: Mother

  • Symbol: the knot, blood, the full moon

Mama Cocha

Her Story:

Mama Cocha is an Incan sea goddess, called “Mother of the Ocean”. Her prime attributes are protecting fisherman and sailors, and those who make their living from the sea.

At the time of this writing, I’ve never seen the ocean. One of my daughters traveled to the west coast this summer and saw the ocean for the first time. I listened to her wide-eyed rapt descriptions with bated breath. “You can smell the ocean a long time before you see it.” she begins. She went on, trying to tell me what it smells like, what it looks like, what it sounds like, what it feels like. She also brought me back a bottle filled with sand from the beach she stood upon. It is a precious thing.

I realize that her experience and what she felt was both universal and unique to her, and that when I get to see the ocean for the first time, what I feel will be unique to me, yet there will be something universal about it as well.

The ocean is considered the place where all life began. No wonder the goddesses who are connected with the ocean are considered powerful and are revered, filled with the energy of the Creatrix. It is the epitome of the Goddess, the ocean. As a familiar ritual song implies: we’re but a single drop of rain, and after our lives have been lived and run their course, we will return to the arms of our Mother. We will merge into the ocean of spirits and soar in universal knowledge and universal love.

Embracing the Goddess:

The oceans cover over 90% of Earth, and just as Gaia is enveloped within the blue mists and veils of water, so you can be enveloped within this Mother’s embrace by calling upon this goddess for protection. I’ve discovered that Mama Cocha, infamous for protecting those who travel on water, also offers her protection to those who live beyond the sea, through the power of the element of Water.

Mama Cocha’s Correspondences:

  • Herbs: sea weed, water lily, club moss, calamus

  • Animal: dolphin

  • Color: blue, white, aqua

  • Planet: Moon

  • Day: Monday, Tuesday

  • Element: Water

  • Feminine Face: Mother

  • Symbol: mermaid

  • Mami Wata

Her Story:

Mami Wata is another African water goddess. She embraces the symbols that are so universal to the Mother Goddess, those symbols that encompass so many cultures from all over the world. Offer Mami Wata rich perfumes and sweet liquids to satisfy her cravings so she will bestow upon you prosperity, good health, and healing. Make offerings to Mami Water at bedtime so that she will enrich your dreams with visions.

I see pictures in my mind sent to me by the universe. I see pictures in my dreams. I see pictures in my waking moments, overlaid across real life before my physical eyes. As voices around me speak, people moving through normal life, the sounds take on patterns, and colors, and movement connected to objects in this, the earth plane…and it all comes together to form a collage, a beautiful miraculous pattern of life.

Embracing the Goddess:

Use the energy of Mami Wata with the element of Water for magick and inspiration through dreams and visions, divinatory practices, and the strengthening of your personal intuition.

Mami Wata’s Correspondences:

  • Herbs: African violet, comfrey, eucalyptus, moonwort, kava-kava

  • Animal: dolphin

  • Color: blue, white, silver

  • Planet: Moon

  • Day: Monday

  • Element: Water

  • Feminine Face: Maiden

  • Symbol: mermaid

  • Morrigan

Her Story:

Morrigan is the Irish goddess of prophecy, a warrior goddess, often portrayed as a brunette beauty of great strength and cunning. She is connected to the battlefield and is known as “The Witch Queen of Death”. She helps fallen soldiers pass to the other side. This Celtic sorceress rules the powers of prediction and enchantment, and the more squalid volatile aspects of love and sex.

As I write this, the world and the news coverage is awash with the grisly execution of an American journalist abroad. As I’m reading the paragraph above, about Morrigan and how she helps fallen soldiers, I’m hoping that it was She who was there to help this hero cross over.

For every civilian who valiantly gives their life for a righteous and worthy cause, for every soldier who falls in battle fighting for truth and freedom, may the great Goddess Morrigan take them by the hand and lead them through the wreckage of civilization to the glorious peace of the Summerland.

So mote it be.

Embracing the Goddess:

Invoke the energy of Morrigan to protect your loved one in battle; for all soldiers overseas, that they may be kept safe; and that they may have her support and guidance should they fall in battle. Invoke the energy of this goddess if you find yourself in a volatile and unstable romantic relationship. She will lend her warrior energy for self-protection, and she will guide you through the maze to a clear horizon.

Morrigan’s Correspondences:

  • Herbs: cinnamon, cayenne pepper, ginger, dragon’s blood, witch hazel

  • Animal: the battle horse

  • Color: orange, red

  • Planet: Mars

  • Day: Tuesday

  • Element: Fire

  • Feminine Face: Mother

  • Symbols: the battle shield, the sword

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