Mojo Bag Spells

1. To Bring Justice
2. The Bag of Retribution
3. For Safe Travel
4. To Increase Male Fertility
5. For Safe Childbirth
6. The Bag of Riches
7. The Lovers Bag
8. To Uncover the Truth
9. Personal Power Mojo Bag
10. For Protection


  (1) To Bring Justice

The energy of this bag will work well when you find yourself caught in a situation where you are the victim of an injustice.

But a word of caution, make sure you are the innocent party here before you decide to use this spell. Karma, the powers that be, whatever you want to call the incredible energy that makes this magic work, is not selective. You should be absolutely one hundred percent sure that you are the innocent victim in this situation and that you have not contributed to the negative circumstances in any way.

Because justice will—most definitely—be meted out.

This is also the bag you want to create if you are involved with litigation and the judicial system.


  • Day: Thursday
  • Moon Phase: waxing to full moon
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Colors: blue, indigo, purple
  • Herbs: cinnamon, nutmeg, sage, marigold, hickory
  • Stones: tiger eye
  • Tarot Card: Justice

Fill this bag with the tarot card, the stone, and at least three of the herbs. If you’re involved in a legal case, you might want to add a photo of the presiding judge or his signature, if it’s available to you.

If you’re the victim of an injustice, add personal effects belonging to the person who wronged you. Personal effects would include hair, fingernail clippings, a scrap of material from clothing, etc. If these items are not available to you, a photo or signature will do, or write his/her name on a piece of paper and add it to the ingredients.

Keep this bag hidden away in a secret spot for as long as the matter continues on in the court system, or until justice is reached. When it is over, dismantle the bag and dispose of the items off your property, burying them along a secluded lane or gravel road.

  (2) The Bag of Retribution

I make no bones about the fact that both light and shadow exists in magic, that the world is not divided into even and neatly ordered black and white regions, and that sometimes we will be required to step into a gray area. Whether for protection, retribution, or any number of very personal reasons, there may come a time when you will have to step into the shadows and grab its energy for your own use.
Don’t fear the shadows. Often we have a clearer view once we’ve stepped out of the blinding light.

This bag will dole out retribution against someone who is deliberately wreaking havoc in people’s lives; someone whose bad behavior, deviousness, abuse, and lack of conscience are putting innocent people at risk.


  • Moon Phase: waxing to dark moon
  • Day: Saturday
  • Colors: black, dark gray, indigo
  • Herbs: black poppy seeds, black thorn, rue, willow, black pepper, cayenne pepper, *night shade (*poisonous)
  • Stones: black onyx
  • Tarot Card: The Tower

  1. Fill this bag with the tarot card, the stone, and at least three of the herbs. 
  2. To these ingredients you could add goofer dust, a small piece of paper on which you vent your feelings towards this person, and a photo or a name paper of the target. (A ‘name paper’ is simply a piece of paper upon which you’ve written the person’s name.)

To keep this person bound from harming anyone else, until retribution has been doled out or karma exacted, keep this bag—and keep it under very particular circumstances. Obtain a small hand mirror, large enough to lay the bag in the center and circle it with a line of salt and graveyard dirt. You are, in effect, trapping this person, keeping them under your control. Keep this spell in a *very* safe place, where the line of salt and graveyard dirt will not be disturbed or broken. I’ve done just such a spell, and I kept it hidden beneath my dresser with a silver bowl laid over the top so that my cats wouldn’t climb beneath the dresser and disturb it.

Every dark moon carefully bring this spell out, strengthen it with more salt or graveyard dirt if you see any weak spots in the circle; vent your feelings in no uncertain terms at this bag, and thus this person; spit upon it if you are so inclined. Then carefully return it to its secret place, until the next dark moon.

Steel yourself. This is a very potent spell and the retribution which the universe *will* dole out can be very startling and often disturbing.

When all is said and done, dispose of the articles of this spell quickly and very much *off* your property.

  (3) For Safe Travel

You will find this mojo bag in my own vehicle, as well as in the vehicles of two of my children. This is the first thing I did when they very proudly purchased their first cars. I remember tucking it beneath the driver’s seat of my son’s van and was surprised to find it hanging boldly from his rear view mirror the next day. My daughter went through a baptism by fire when she experienced two accidents on a busy Omaha freeway, totaling both vehicles both times. She walked away from the incidents completely unscathed.


  • Moon Phase: waxing to full moon, the full moon being most favorable
  • Day: Saturday
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Colors: black, dark gray, indigo
  • Herbs: plantain, calamus root
  • Stones: tiger eye
  • Tarot Card: The Chariot

Fill the bag with the tarot card, the stone, and *Both* herbs. This is very important. The combination of the plantain and the calamus root creates a very potent protective energy. I’m fortunate that plantain grows freely in my yard; I harvest and dry some every year for my own use.

To this bag you may also want to add a dash of sea salt and perhaps even some personal effects belonging to the person/people who will be traveling in this vehicle on a regular basis. 

Keep this bag in the vehicle at all times. Every few months I take my bag out, at the time of the full moon, and re-consecrate it with the four elements.

This is a very easy, very simple thing to do:

  • Sprinkle the bag with salt, saying:
“I consecrate this bag with the power of Earth.”

  • Hold the bag in the smoke of lit incense, allowing the smoke to envelop the bag, saying:
“I consecrate this bag with the power of Air.”

  • Hold the bag in your left hand and a lit red candle in your right. Circle the bag clockwise with the candle, saying:
“I consecrate this bag with the power of Fire.”

  • Dip your fingers into a small bowl of water, and flick the drops upon the bag, saying:
“I consecrate this bag with the power of Water.

This bag is now consecrated and divine, 
bound to aid me in my magical endeavors.”

(4) To Increase Male Fertility

While many of us have started families and had children without giving it a second thought, there are countless couples out there devastated by the fact that they cannot conceive. Often issues involved with fertility may be found with the woman, but sometimes this isn’t so—sometimes it’s the man who has issues with physical infertility.

This bag is for him.


  • Day: Sunday
  • Moon Phase: waxing to full moon, the full moon being the most favorable
  • Planet: Sun
  • Colors: gold, orange, white, yellow
  • Herbs: frankincense, poppy seeds, rice, sunflower
  • Stones: hematite (associated with the root chakra)
  • Tarot Card: The Emperor

Fill the bag with the tarot card, at least three of the herbs listed; and I strongly recommend that rice be one of those included.

The practice of magic can get pretty earthy. For anyone not up to my next suggestion, don’t worry about the potency of the magic created by your will and intent, the magic will still work even if you don’t want to add the following ingredient. However, for those of you who wish, to this bag add a small cloth with the man’s semen upon it.

Keep this bag in your bedroom, the nearer your bed the better—lying on the floor beneath it, tucked into a shelf on the headboard, or kept beneath your pillow. You get the idea.

(5) For Safe Childbirth

We’re very fortunate to live in a country that provides excellent medical care for women during pregnancy and the experience of childbirth. However, once in a while the unexpected can happen, and when it does, it’s nice to feel the hand of Divinity close by—healing, protecting, and guiding. This is especially desirable when the Divinity is feminine.

This bag is *Not* to be relied on in lieu of the good solid care of an obstetrician. Instead, this bag is meant to be kept close to you through the wondrous nine month journey you are on. And when the time comes, it’s meant to be tucked into your overnight bag and taken with you when you go to experience the grand adventure of childbirth.


  • Day: Monday
  • Moon Phase: waxing to full, the full moon being the most favorable
  • Planet: the Moon (associated with the Mother Goddess)
  • Colors: silver, white, gray, blue
  • Herbs: moonwort, gardenia, jasmine, myrrh, lily
  • Stones: moonstone, chalcedony, crystal quartz
  • Tarot Card: The Empress

Fill this bag with the tarot card, the stone you’ve chosen, and at least three of the herbs.

To this bag, you may also want to add some of the following items: a lock of your hair, a photo of your own mother, perhaps an ultra-sound photo of the baby, a Virgin Mary medal, a Goddess pendent, a small statuette of the Goddess, the Virgin, etc.

(6) The Bag of Riches

This mojo bag deals with prosperity. This does not mean that you will become obscenely rich. It’s not about that; it never is. The Bag of Riches is a little magical insurance to make sure that your purse never runs dry, to see that you always have enough money to put food on the table, clothes on your back, and a roof over your head. This mojo bag can also be used when a specific amount of money is needed for a particular reason.


  • Day: Thursday
  • Moon Phase: waxing to full moon, with the full moon being the most favorable
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Colors: green
  • Herbs: mint, basil, black poppy seeds, dill, marjoram, patchouli
  • Stones: adventurine
  • Tarot Card: nine of pentacles

To this bag you could also add a dollar bill with your wishes and intentions written upon it, especially if you need a certain amount of money for something in particular; a series of coins—a quarter, nickel, dime, and penny; a special coin, if you have one, such as a gold dollar, etc. It is particularly advantageous to carry this bag in your purse, or keep it near your wallet.

(7) The Lover’s Bag

Are you drawn to a special person and need a little magical push so that this individual will become aware of you? There is always controversy over love spells that are aimed at a particular person. Some consider this type of magic a binding; others consider it unethical on many levels in general. But I feel we should always give love a chance.

If you’re meant to be together, the universe will shine upon you, and it will be so. If it’s not meant to be a lasting relationship, perhaps there’s a life lesson you will learn from this individual, and maybe that’s why you were drawn to them in the first place.

If love is calling and your heart fluttering at the sight of someone special, but they don’t seem to know that you exist, this is the mojo bag for you.


  • Day: Friday
  • Moon Phase: waxing to full moon
  • Planet: Venus
  • Colors: red
  • Herbs: rose petals, cardamom, ginger, coriander, hibiscus, red geranium
  • Stone: rose quartz
  • Tarot Card: The Lovers

To this bag, you will definitely want to add some personal effects. Your own items could include a lock of your hair; fingernail clippings; a Kleenex that you’ve blotted lipstick on, leaving an imprint of your lips; a photo; your signature; etc.

If it’s at all possible, add similar personal effects belonging to the target. If you’re not able to obtain any items of this nature, at least include a name paper. A love note, or love letter, written by you to the target, telling him/her all those things you’d like to say to them would be an excellent item to add to this bag. Be sure to add at least three of the herbs listed, and I strongly suggest that rose petals be one of them.

(8) To Uncover the Truth

If you’re involved in a situation and you suspect there is deception, it’s time to discover the truth of the matter. This mojo bag will do just that, but don’t expect grand Hollywood type special effects. Real magic is so much more subtle; it does not break the laws of physics—usually; and sometimes the results will be completely unexpected and out of the blue—from a source you never would have guessed, at the time you least expect it, and with a revelation that will either cast a blazing light on the truth or quietly reveal imperative information.

That’s the way this mojo bag will work.


  • Day: Wednesday
  • Moon Phase: waxing to full moon, with the full moon being most favorable
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Colors: yellow
  • Herbs: slippery elm, adder’s tongue, cloves, drawing powder
  • Stones: agate
  • Tarot Card: The Moon

To this bag add at least two of the herbs listed, and it would bode you well to add a paper to this bag upon which you explain the situation and your desire to know the truth.

(9) The Personal Power Mojo Bag

Personal Power Bag for Women:

For this mojo bag we’re going to draw on the energy of the High Priestess. Within her lays the power of the Feminine Divine. She will represent the inner core of all women, where magic resides, where the witch exists—“There’s a little witch in every woman.”, so goes the saying. All of these archetypes—the priestess, the goddess, the witch—represents and emphasizes personal power.


  • Day: Monday
  • Moon Phase: full moon
  • Planet: Moon
  • Colors: blue, silver, white
  • Herbs: moonwort, lotus, myrrh, gardenia, cardamom, belladonna, thyme, lilac, apple blossoms, violet, wormwood
  • Stones: moonstone, blue lace agate, clear quartz crystal
  • Tarot Card: The High Priestess

Personal Power Bag for Men:

For the man we’re going to draw on the energy of The Magician. Within him lays the power of the masculine, the Priest—the Elder, the Shaman, the Sorcerer, the Wizard. The Magician holds the mysticism of the four elements within his hands and the will needed to create magic. These archetypes represent personal power.


  • Day: Sunday
  • Moon Phase: full moon
  • Planet: Sun
  • Colors: yellow, orange, white
  • Herbs: carnation, juniper, rowan, sunflower, St. John’s Wort, mistletoe
  • Stones: amber, carnelian, tiger’s eye
  • Tarot Card: The Magician

To this bag, add at least three of the herbs and one of the stones listed. You could also add an image of the God/Goddess, such as a pendent or small statuary. I’ve seen some very tiny and beautiful ones in new-age shops. If you have a patron god/goddess, you could also add images, herbs, stones, objects, etc., that are special and unique to His/Her energy.

Add to this bag images or objects that represent power to you—an object from your work place, if you feel this is where your power lays; a photo of your children; tokens of past success; slips of paper filled with personal affirmations; images of men or women who represent success and power to you, such as your mother/father, grandmother/grandfather, or a public figure.

(10) For Protection

The nine of wands is a card which represents ‘The Warrior’, and it’s the energy of this card we’re going to call upon for this mojo bag. I have to say, along with this magic, you have to reclaim your personal power and find belief in yourself in order to conquer those people who might wish bad things upon you—either sub-consciously through envy, jealousy, spite; or deliberately through the magic of hexes and curses; or through other mundane actions such as sabotage, gossip, deceit, etc.

The contents of this bag will shield you from the onslaught of negativity mentioned above. It will also throw back upon your adversaries the very negativity they aim at you, and it will seal it there, where it belongs.


  • Day: Saturday
  • Moon Phase: waning to dark moon, with the dark moon being most favorable
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Colors: black
  • Herbs: anise, calamus, fennel, frankincense, blackthorn, elder, rue
  • Stones: black onyx, garnet, obsidian.
  • Tarot Card: nine of wands

To this bag add at least three of the herbs and one of the stones listed. 

I would also advise you to add a pinch each of the following ingredients: goofer dust, graveyard dirt, banishing powder, and salt. 

If you are aware of particular people who are giving you grief, you could add a name paper for each person. But I warn you, be very cautious about singling out individuals; you must be one hundred percent sure that this action is warranted. It is sometimes best to let the universe dole out retribution and punishment. Karma does indeed have a way of coming back to mete out justice.

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