Upon This Page:
The Three Faces of the Goddess
Goddess Connection
Who is the Wiccan Goddess?
Hail Mother Goddess
Invocation of the Goddess
Goddess Chant
Drawing Down the Moon
- The Maiden
The maiden is overflowing with all of the possibilities of the future. Within her are the seeds of what will be. She is the fresh dawn of a new day. She is strength and tenacity and power. She is unbridled enthusiasm and wonder and hope.

- The Mother
The mother is ripe fruit hanging pregnant from the vine. She is the foundation, the nurturer, the protectress. She is fortified with strength and placid with the calmness of a sunny day. She is who we turn to for stability and reassurance.
- The Crone
It is the crone we seek in the darkening twilight. We find comfort in her quiet presence and yet we are challenged by her intuitive knowledge and aware of the dark shadows she casts...forcing us to seek the light and answers.
© Amythyst Raine 2007
Who is the Wiccan Goddess?
She is the embodiment of the divine feminine. She is Mother Nature, the Earth-- Gaia; she is fertility and the turning of the seasons. She is the cycle of birth, life, death, and regeneration-- or rebirth; she is the Creatrix of all that is, was, and will be. Where the God is hard and unyielding; the Goddess is soft and pliant, embracing the individual and human diversity, allowing for growth and expansion.
The Wiccan Goddess is the mother of us all, even mother to the God, for all things must come from Her womb.
She is known by a thousand names in every culture, yet we may call her “Mother”.
She embraces the three stages of a woman’s life within the moon and its phases:
- The waxing crescent: The Maiden…the beginning; embracing innocence, purity, strength, and determination as sinewy and strong as any physical muscle worked to heightened development. She is the female warrior, just starting down the road on this journey called life.
- The full moon: The Mother…heavily pregnant with all of life’s possibilities, complete in the knowledge of herself and her desires, active in building her own road, planning her own journey, and actually moving towards her goals. The Mother will create all that which the world holds dear; whether it be children or ideas, art or magick.
- The waning crescent: The Crone…wizened and cool, deliberate in her actions and words and intentions. She is calm after braving the storms of life in the knowledge that she is victorious over the dark shadows being cast at this stage. She has seen it all, risen above it all, to a pinnacle which allows her to review the world and life with one sweeping glance. She is coming to the close of her natural cycle, where she will once more reach the stage of regeneration…to begin again.
This is the Wiccan Goddess.

The above text, "Who is the Wiccan Goddess?", is an excerpt from
"Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way" by Amythyst Raine.
© Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way,
Amythyst Raine 2011
Hail Mother Goddess
Hail Mother Goddess, full of grace;
Your consort is with You.
Blessed art thou among humanity.
And blessed is your creation–
Mother Earth and Father Sky,
And all that dwell within.
Mother Goddess, creatrix of the world,
Be with us now and throughout all incarnations.
Blessed Be
© Amythyst Raine 2011

Invocation of the Goddess
The energy of the moon has long been connected with the radiant energy and power of the Goddess. The witch-- the priestess-- has developed methods to harness this energy, to draw this power within herself and use it for personal growth and enlightenment.
The following ritual will allow you to re-connect with the Goddess and rediscover the magic and mystique of the feminine divine.
- 1. To connect with moon energy, you must place yourself beneath its light, allowing your body to bathe within its silver sheen. As you do so, ground and center yourself.
- 2. Bless yourself, saying:
“Bless my feet that walk the way of witch.
Bless my knees that kneel before the Goddess.
Bless my breasts that nurture.
and my lips that speak the truth.
Before the Goddess,
I am blessed.”
- 3. Stand with your feet slightly parted; raise your arms to the sky, hands open and receptive. Say:
“I stand before You now, Mother of the Earth,
To draw within myself the energy of re-birth.
The magic of the moon,
The energy of goddess power,
I draw down into myself,
Upon this shining hour.”

*Note: the material above is an excerpt from,
"The Gray Witch's Grimoire"
© The Gray Witch's Grimoire,
Amythyst Raine 2011
- 4. Stand for a few minutes where you are. You may feel physical sensations that are unique to this ritual and goddess energy, or you may feel sensations that are common during the movement of energy and the acquisition of power. Don’t be disappointed, however, if you have no physical sensations at all; not everyone is sensitive enough to pick this up. This does not mean that energy has not been moved or power acquired.
*Note: the material above is an excerpt from,
"The Gray Witch's Grimoire"
© The Gray Witch's Grimoire,
Amythyst Raine 2011
Goddess Chants
Drawing Down the Moon
The energy of the moon has long been connected with the radiant energy and power of the Goddess. The witch-- the priestess-- has developed methods to harness this energy, to draw this power within herself and use it for personal growth and enlightenment.
The following ritual will allow you to re-connect with the Goddess and rediscover the magic and mystique of the feminine divine.
- 1. To connect with moon energy, you must place yourself beneath its light, allowing your body to bathe within its silver sheen. As you do so, ground and center yourself.
- 2. Bless yourself, saying:
"Bless my feet that walk the way of witch.
Bless my knees that kneel before the Goddess.
Bless my breasts that nurture.
and my lips that speak the truth.
Before the Goddess,
I am blessed."
- 3. Stand with your feet slightly parted; raise your arms to the sky, hands open and receptive. Say:
"I stand before You now, Mother of the Earth,
To draw within myself the energy of re-birth.
The magic of the moon,
The energy of goddess power,
I draw down into myself,
Upon this shining hour."
- 4. Stand for a few minutes where you are. You may feel physical sensations that are unique to this ritual and goddess energy, or you may feel sensations that are common during the movement of energy and the acquisition of power. Don't be disappointed, however, if you have no physical sensations at all; not everyone is sensitive enough to pick this up. This does not mean that energy has not been moved or power acquired.
*Note: the material above is an excerpt from,
© The Gray Witch's Grimoire,
Amythyst Raine 2011
Just like to say thank you for your site and how informative it is, its a pure joy to come across and will be re-visiting again soon, Once again many thanks